What is A Residence Permit?

A residence permit is an official document or card issued by a government that allows a foreign national to live legally in a country for a specific period. This permit is usually required for individuals who plan to stay in a country for an extended period, such as for work, study, or family reunification. The residence permit may come with certain conditions, such as the right to work, access to healthcare, and other social services, depending on the country’s laws and the type of permit issued.

Hungary residence permit


  • Builders
  • Handymen 
  • Construction Assistants 
  • Production workers 


  • The employer process all the required documentation for you
  • Visa is guaranteed

Salary: From 1200 Euro

Commission: Kes 500,000/=

Slovakia Residence permit


  • Car production factory workers 


  • Visa is guaranteed

Salary: From 1500 Euro

Commission: Kes 400,000/=